In order to achieve success in life and business, you’ll need to make the right decisions at the right times.
Decision-making can be easy sometimes and hard at others, but it’s often overlooked as something we do every day in our personal and professional lives. In order to make better decisions throughout your life, you need to know what goes into good decision-making as well as how to apply that knowledge to your own life.
Here is a list of ten ways to make better decisions in order to give you the tools you need to achieve your goals.
1. Define your goals and values
Identify your goals and values that are important to you and once you are clear on those, then the impact of a decision should guide you.
2. Consider your alternatives
In order to make a good decision, you first need to know what your choices are, so list all the options that are available to you and do some research. Then you can evaluate each choice for its merits and drawbacks.
3. Weigh the pros and cons
Making a decision is a process. It starts with weighing the pros and cons of different options and then deciding which one provides the best outcome for you based on your priorities, goals, values, etc.
4. Get input from others
Seek advice from people who have a diversity of opinions and that you trust, as it’s important to consider multiple perspectives when making decisions, along with how others might be affected by your decision.
5. Consider the long-term effects
It's always important to take the long-term effects of a decision into consideration. For example, if you are considering whether or not you should invest in a course that will take up a lot of your time and money, think about how this will impact your life down the road.
6. Don't let emotions cloud your judgement
Just because you're excited about something doesn't mean it's the right decision for you. If it feels wrong, don't do it. For example, if you're looking for a new job, but everyone you've interviewed with so far feels like a bad fit, then it's time to stop interviewing until you find one that makes your heart sing, likewise if you're trying to hire someone. That way, you won't have regrets later on.
7. Simplify the decision
Many people have trouble making decisions, but they can be broken down into three categories: big decisions, small decisions, and daily decisions. Big decisions are those that will change your life or that make a significant impact on other people's lives. They are often difficult because there is a lot of uncertainty about the outcome. Small decisions are those that don't have such significant consequences for you or for others around you. These types of decisions are typically easier because there is less at stake.
8. Be mindful of how your biases affect your decision-making process
Your biases play a major role in how you make decisions. If you're not aware of your biases, they can end up negatively impacting your life. The first step is being mindful of them. Next, try to find ways around the bias so that you can still get what you want without letting it affect your decision-making process. For example, if you're biased towards one candidate during an interview process because they remind you of yourself as a young professional, keep an eye out for other qualities such as experience or qualifications. Find out if there's someone who doesn't remind you of yourself but has more experience or better qualifications. Consider these qualities as well before making a final decision.
9. Trust your gut and instincts
Your gut instinct is a powerful thing, and it's worth paying attention to your intuition. Sometimes you just know that something is the right choice, even if you can't explain why. And other times your gut tells you that a certain option isn't going to work out, so it's best not to invest any more time or energy into it. Let your instincts guide you!
10. Be prepared to change your mind
Don't rely on the first thought that comes into your head. Sometimes we're so quick to make a decision because it feels like the right one, but that doesn't mean it is the right decision for you in particular. Be prepared to change your mind. It's okay if you need a second opinion. You might be able to get one from a trusted friend or loved one, but sometimes it's best to seek out an expert who can give you unbiased advice.
Stay open-minded and gain as much information as possible before making any final decision.