Having goals and dreams can be an important part of living life, but staying motivated and focused on them during the day-to-day monotony can be hard.
It’s easy to feel like dreams don’t matter, but dreaming can help you find happiness and fulfilment, no matter where you are in your life right now.
Here are eight ways to keep your dreams alive, and why you should never let them go.
1. Wake up early
One of the best ways to get a jump-start on the day is by waking up early. The earliest risers are often more productive, less stressed, and healthier than their sleep-in counterparts. Waking up early gives you that quiet time, says sleep expert Dr. Lisa Shives. It's a way for you to do what you want without being interrupted. Plus, studies show that people who wake up early are more proactive and successful.
2. Set goals and write them down
Setting goals is a crucial step in the process of making your dreams come true. It can be difficult, but if you don't set any goals for yourself it will be even more difficult.
3. Get organized
Write down your goals and make them specific. Know what you want and be able to articulate it. This will help you figure out what actions you need to take in order to meet those goals.
Find a mentor who has achieved what you want and get their advice on how they did it.
4. Visualise your dreams
Find or create a vision board or online collage of the life you want and put it somewhere you see often.
Write down your goals in pen and put them somewhere where you'll see them every day, like the mirror or on your nightstand.
Read about successful people who have made their dreams come true and repeat this every day until you believe it yourself!
5. Take risks
Taking risks can be scary, but it is important to do so in order to reach your goals. When you take risks, you grow and learn. Think of a time when taking a risk really paid off for you or someone else.
6. Be persistent
When you have a vision of the life you want for yourself, it can be hard to stay focused on the things that are preventing you from reaching your goal. Get up each day and continue your progress, even if it's just one step at a time. If you're struggling with motivation or getting off track, here are 8 ways to keep your dreams alive:
Start with small goals. Make a list of your big goal and then break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks.
Focus on something other than your obstacles. Focus on what will happen when you reach your goal instead!
Find support outside the internet: Share your idea or plan with people in person so they can help encourage and motivate you as well!
Connect with others who share similar goals: Meet new people by attending events like meetups where others share similar interests as you do!
Surround yourself with those who don't discourage you from pursuing your goal: Keeping the right company can be a huge motivator.
Set personal deadlines and use rewards to stick to them. For example, reward yourself after completing 20% of the task rather than waiting until completion.
Think about how much closer you'll feel when you reach your goal: Imagine how good it'll feel when you accomplish all that work! Or think about how far you've come already.
Don't forget to pat yourself on the back along the way.
7. Learn from your failures
It's okay to feel disappointed when your dreams don't come true. It's not okay to give up on them completely. Forgive yourself for being human and make changes so you can get back on the right path. As William Shakespeare once said, Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em. Remember that it takes time and practice to achieve your goals-you won't be perfect at anything right away.
8. Believe in yourself
Believe in yourself. You can't give it away if you don't have it. Believe in your dreams and they will come true.
Dreams give hope and direction, so don't underestimate the power of your dreams and constantly work on making those dreams a reality.