Why are some changes easier than others? How can we make change less uncomfortable?
As humans, we are often faced with the difficult choice of changing our current behaviour or continuing along the same path and experiencing the same results over and over again. We may even acknowledge that changing our current behaviours would lead to better results, but those changes still don’t happen because change is hard and often uncomfortable.
This article will help you understand why change is so difficult, offer tips to make it easier, and give specific strategies for making a change in your own life.
The surprising reasons change is so hard
The first and most obvious reason change is so hard is because it involves letting go of something you’re comfortable with. That’s a difficult thing to do, and it can be especially tough when the change is a result of somebody else’s decision. The second reason change is hard is because it often leads to feeling uncertain about the future. This fear-of-the-unknown anxiety can keep us from taking steps in new directions, which makes staying put seem more predictable and less risky.
Why does change cause discomfort?
No one likes change. It's uncomfortable to think about because it forces us to acknowledge that things will never be the same again. Change is also difficult because sometimes we're not sure what's best for us or our loved ones in the long term. The discomfort of change can be so intense that we deny ourselves opportunities for growth and success by refusing to embrace new circumstances. But, it doesn't have to be this way!
How we can overcome discomfort
We know change can be hard and we get a certain level of discomfort as our brains try to process new information. But this discomfort is an important part of the change process. With just a little practice and some patience, you can use these three simple strategies to ease your transition into something new:
Define your values
Face your fears
Manage expectations.
The more uncomfortable you are with the idea of change, the more likely it is that you'll be successful at making it happen. Acknowledge your feelings, and remind yourself that the discomfort means you're on the right track.